Results: In46 cases with ascites and pleural effusion, 3 cases were ovarian fibrous tumour, 6 cases were other types of benign ovarian tumor and37 cases were ovarian carcinoma. 结果:在46例伴发胸腹水的卵巢肿瘤中有3例为卵巢纤维瘤、6例为其他良性卵巢肿瘤、37例为卵巢恶性肿瘤,术后2~4周胸水均消失。
Electrophoretic behaviour and invasion of the drug resistant sublines of Ehrlich ascites tumour cells 艾氏腹水瘤耐药瘤细胞的表面电荷和浸润
Effect of n-phthalyl-glutamyl-sarcolysin and lycorine on the respiration and glycolysis of the Ehrlich ascites tumour cells of mouse 谷氨酰溶肉瘤素及石蒜碱对小鼠Ehrlich腹水癌细胞的呼吸和酵解的影响
Also restored DTH response impaired by injection of cyclophosphamide or inoculation with Ehrlich ascites tumour intraperitoneally. 1亦能恢复环磷酰胺iv给药或ip接种Ehrlich腹水瘤细胞后引发的DTH反应。